What is Myobrace?

The Myobrace System™ is based on over 20 years of experience in correcting orthodontic problems without the need for braces. The Myobrace appliances which make up this system have the proven dual function of correcting the oral habits that cause poor dental development (known as myofunctional habits), while also providing light forces to align the teeth into their natural position. This technique is now used by Orthodontists and Dentists in more than 100 countries throughout the world.

These appliances are designed to be used in-sequence to effectively train the tongue to position correctly in the upper jaw, retrain the oral musculature and exert light forces to align the teeth.

Myobrace treatment does not involve wearing braces or using complex and uncomfortable dental appliances 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Wearing a Myobrace appliance for one to two hours each day and overnight while sleeping, combined with a series of ‘myofunctional exercises’ (also known as the Trainer Activities) each day is all that is required in the treatment process. In a small number of cases, fixed braces may be required for a short time to provide optimal alignment.

The Myobrace System differs from other orthodontic forms of treatment as it is not only aimed at straightening the teeth, but is primarily directed at correcting the causes of crooked teeth and underdeveloped jaws. This works best for patients who are still growing, around the ages of six to ten. Effective treatment can be done outside of these ages, but habits become harder to correct in older patients.

Who will it work for?

The Myobrace System is suitable for a wide variety of orthodontic concerns, with a range of solutions available for most patients. It is designed to work most effectively for patients from five to fifteen years of age, and is most effective in early childhood while the child is still developing. The optimal patient age group is six to ten years of age.

What causes crooked teeth?

Did you know, 3 out of 4 children have crowded teeth and incorrectly developing jaws. These problems can be seen from as early as 5 years of age.

Modern research has shown that crowded teeth, incorrect jaw development and other orthodontic problems are not caused by big teeth in small jaws or hereditary factors. Mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, reverse swallowing and thumb sucking (known as incorrect myofunctional habits) are the real causes. Allergies, asthma and an open mouth posture also contribute to incorrect jaw development. Growing up, most of us have had one or more of these myofunctional problems, which may have been the cause of incorrect dental and facial development.

Just getting braces, with or without extractions, does not address the underlying causes of crooked teeth. This is why once the braces are removed, the teeth usually crowd up again, unless poor oral habits are corrected. This is why treatment with braces alone commonly results in the need for life-long retainers.

The Myobrace treatment process

Step 1 – The first consultation

Your first consultation is where you will be told about the Myobrace treatment process. Your practitioner will also be able to answer any questions you may have about the treatment. Once you understand this process and are ready to proceed, records will be taken to properly assess your needs. These records may include photographs, study moulds and possibly x-rays.

Step 2 – Discuss your treatment plan

On your second consultation your practitioner will discuss the treatment plan they have prepared specifically for you. They will give you an idea of the treatment timeframe, Myobrace appliances required and treatment cost.

Step 3 – Receive your Myobrace appliance

On accepting your treatment plan on the second or third consultation, you will be issued with your first Myobrace appliance and will commence your education program with either the Trainer Activities, or Myofunctional Exercises.

Step 4 – Regular appointments with your Myobrace provider

To achieve the best results it is essential that you wear your Myobrace appliance each day and attend regular check-ups with your provider and ensure that you follow each of the steps outlined for you in your treatment plan.

More information

For more information on Myobrace and whether you would benefit from this type of treatment please contact the practice to book an appointment on 01158 415064. You can also find more information on the Myobrace website: http://www.myobrace.com/